Nowadays we see how electronic literacy has changed and how it has evolved, since computer appeares many people prefer to use them than reading a book or going to at the library. It is because it is a faster way to find information that you may need to search. In my case since I was at school I have been using it until now, but in this period has changed many important things such as; internet, new programs and applications.
The first point is about the one experience using a computer. I remember when I was at school I had a computer class and in that subject just learned instructions to use function basic programs and games. I also remember it was a very nice experience because we had never used a computer. Since 3rd grade until 6th grade we used these programs because it was supposed that students of this age should know how to work the computer system. To use a computer for first time was grateful and one of the newest things for me because until now I keep using computers, however the technology in CPU has been increased a lot.
The next point is about how much the Electronic literacy is indispensable for me. One of the best Electronic Literacy nowadays is the internet or computers, because in this time almost of the people use this method to communicate with friends, patterns and relatives who are so far. Another important characteristic why internet is very useful for me is because I currently work in a cyber café and I see how importan is internet for people in use it. In addition I use the computer a lot for doing homework in different programs that the computer offer to me such as; Word, Excel, Power Point etc. However I also use the computer and internet for chatting or surfing on the different and famous social networks which are on internet, For example: Facebook, Myspace, Hi5, Sonico and Messenger where I usually meet new and interesting people from other countries.
The last point is about how the EL will change in the future in my life. In a few years I think the EL will be more practice, successful and faster it is because everything has to change and computer will not be the exception. The programs will be more advanced and may be we will not have to do all, probably we just to manage or will give instructions to the computer.
Finally, as a conclusion I think everything most to change and El will change as soon as possible because people are changing and need more modern and attractive programs to support their necessities. the reality is the EL will be easier for people because they need to be developing new opportunities and make chances to develop.
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