Osama Bin Laden Adolf Hitler
Saudi Arabia --------------Country------------German
00’S --------------------------Centuries-----------40’s
World Trade center-----partincipation on----2nd world war
I.- Introduction. The main characteristics and facts of these two mad persons.
II.- First difference between Osama Bin Laden and Hitler is the Nationality.
III.- second difference between Bin Laden and Hitler is they are/were leaders of different clans.
IV.- Third difference between Osama Bin Laden and Hitler is in what attacked they participated and what centuries they lived.
V.- Conclusion.- Restate the main information of the three body paragraphs.
Do you know why Osama Bin Laden and Adolf Hitler are two of the worst people around the world? Osama is one of the most wanted by U.S.A and some other countries, the facts he has done are being cause of thousands of deaths, but the most current fact was on 2001 when he and his group called alkaeda attacked an important point in New York. On the other hand; Adolf Hitler is dead nowadays, however, when he was living he was a great political dictator he moved a great mass of people called “Nazi”. Hitler had a great influence and participation in 2nd world war where also was dying in 1943.
The first difference between Osama Bin Laden and Adolf Hitler is their nationality. Osama Bin Laden was born on March 10th, 1952 In Saudi Arabia (Middle East), hi raised around violence, wars, poverty and weapons. It is important to mention countries of those regions are commonly living trough disasters and wars. Some years later osama migrated to another countries to start forming his terrible clan “alkaeda”. Therefore; Hitler was born on April 20th, 1889 in Belin, Germany he was always linked with politic, and as a result some years later he could get be the presidents of that Europe country.
The second different point between these two persons is both are leaders of different clans. Osama is wanted because he has done a lot of attacks to the humanity, but has he done it alone? The answer is no. he has needed more than one person to do all those attacks, his terrible “alkaeda” group has being in charge to do it, Osama is the leader of this movement, the are not just concentrated in one or two points in Afghanistan , Iraq, or in the middle east, no they are in different parts of the globe, they are always planning what specific point attack. Osama Bin Laden was the main responsible of World trade center on 2001. On the other hand, Hitler is known around the world for killing people in his political age. Hitler had an unacceptable way to govern, despite of he killed thousand of people, many people was following him and it was because he had a great convincement on people.
The last difference between Osama bin Laden and Adolf Hitler is their biggest crimes they have donde. Osama and Alkaeda were responsible to destroy and attack World Trade Center in New York City, in 2001, as a result of this crime had more than 2000 thousand dead people, this fact was the most terrible attack by alkaeda in U.S.A, that fact was the cause to begin a war in middle east versus Afghanistan. In contrast, Adolf Hitler had an important participation in 2nd war world, germany was one of the most powerful country in those years, Adolf Hitler was the president in those years, the second world war had as a consequence that Adolf dead, many people said that Adolf Hitler had a pact with devil, he was a great impact in people that they followed in all aspects. Adolf Hitler dead on 1945 and two mounts later the second world war ended.
Finally, as you can see these person are different in some aspects, they have different nationality, and they are leaders of different clans. Despite of they done a lot of crimes they are and were followed for a lot of people, many people are proud of them, and others are in contrast and hate them.