viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

Osama Bin Laden v.s Adolf Hitler

Osama Bin Laden Adolf Hitler

Saudi Arabia --------------Country------------German
00’S --------------------------Centuries-----------40’s
World Trade center-----partincipation on----2nd world war

I.- Introduction. The main characteristics and facts of these two mad persons.
II.- First difference between Osama Bin Laden and Hitler is the Nationality.
III.- second difference between Bin Laden and Hitler is they are/were leaders of different clans.
IV.- Third difference between Osama Bin Laden and Hitler is in what attacked they participated and what centuries they lived.
V.- Conclusion.- Restate the main information of the three body paragraphs.

       Do you know why Osama Bin Laden and Adolf Hitler are two of the worst people around the world? Osama is one of the most wanted by U.S.A and some other countries, the facts he has done are being cause of thousands of deaths, but the most current fact was on 2001 when he and his group called alkaeda attacked an important point in New York. On the other hand; Adolf Hitler is dead nowadays, however, when he was living he was a great political dictator he moved a great mass of people called “Nazi”. Hitler had a great influence and participation in 2nd world war where also was dying in 1943.

     The first difference between Osama Bin Laden and Adolf Hitler is their nationality. Osama Bin Laden was born on March 10th, 1952 In Saudi Arabia (Middle East), hi raised around violence, wars, poverty and weapons. It is important to mention countries of those regions are commonly living trough disasters and wars. Some years later osama migrated to another countries to start forming his terrible clan “alkaeda”. Therefore; Hitler was born on April 20th, 1889 in Belin, Germany he was always linked with politic, and as a result some years later he could get be the presidents of that Europe country.

     The second different point between these two persons is both are leaders of different clans. Osama is wanted because he has done a lot of attacks to the humanity, but has he done it alone? The answer is no. he has needed more than one person to do all those attacks, his terrible “alkaeda” group has being in charge to do it, Osama is the leader of this movement, the are not just concentrated in one or two points in Afghanistan , Iraq, or in the middle east, no they are in different parts of the globe, they are always planning what specific point attack. Osama Bin Laden was the main responsible of World trade center on 2001. On the other hand, Hitler is known around the world for killing people in his political age. Hitler had an unacceptable way to govern, despite of he killed thousand of people, many people was following him and it was because he had a great convincement on people.

      The last difference between Osama bin Laden and Adolf Hitler is their biggest crimes they have donde. Osama and Alkaeda were responsible to destroy and attack World Trade Center in New York City, in 2001, as a result of this crime had more than 2000 thousand dead people, this fact was the most terrible attack by alkaeda in U.S.A, that fact was the cause to begin a war in middle east versus Afghanistan. In contrast, Adolf Hitler had an important participation in 2nd war world, germany was one of the most powerful country in those years, Adolf Hitler was the president in those years, the second world war had as a consequence that Adolf dead, many people said that Adolf Hitler had a pact with devil, he was a great impact in people that they followed in all aspects. Adolf Hitler dead on 1945 and two mounts later the second world war ended.

      Finally, as you can see these person are different in some aspects, they have different nationality, and they are leaders of different clans. Despite of they done a lot of crimes they are and were followed for a lot of people, many people are proud of them, and others are in contrast and hate them.

lunes, 15 de noviembre de 2010


Have you ever imagined suffering from a terrible illness? If you have not thought about this yet why do not you start? People who are in such as a hard situation of life or those who are suffering atrocious illnesses that cannot be cured want to make the decision of getting an assisted suicide. However, a lot of people argue that this is not the right way to die, and they provide plenty of excuses without basis to avoid this action. Unfortunately for those who are against euthanasia I have strong arguments to defend the practice of euthanasia.
In some patients the pain gets to the point to be unbearable. If you are dealing with an illness which is too painful, and even with medication you feel that awful pain, you have the right to stop that suffering. How would you feel with something that is killing you from inside and your body all the time? People with chronical illnesses feel this pain every day, the only moment when they are not suffering is when they are sleep, because even when they are sedated, they perceive pain. ." Euthanasia is consider in different terms by people they think it is a assisted suicide while others think it is a death with dignity, however euthanasia is one of the topic most controversial in countries where it is practiced”            . C. Everett Koop, M.D. *taken from the book KOOP, The Memoirs of America's Family Doctor by C. Everett Koop, M.D., Random House, (1991). Euthanasia. (n.d.). National Right to Life. Retrieved October 18, 2010, from

People should not be forced to stay alive. At the moment of becoming the age of an adult, you take control over your actions, and your own decisions. You are not a minor anymore, you are an adult. When you have decided to make the decision of being euthanized, your decision is what is worth, not others' opinions or decisions, you are the only one who is going through that situation. In other words, you are free to do with your body whatever you want; besides they cannot even imagine how you feel.
Opponents of this idea claim that euthanasia perverts the medical ethics since Hippocrates has focused on eliminating pain, not the patient. However, the era of Hippocrates was more than 2000 years ago; it was not even in our ages, but before Christ. Nowadays, medicine is different from the medicine which was practiced long time ago, changes of medicine have happened, the mentality of the human kind is different and what really matters if you are a physician is the wellness of your patient, but not yours.   Euthanasia is nowadays seem such as a practice way to die, it is not the choose to live or die it is more than these option euthanasia is not the same thing as refusing burdensome medical treatment”. BBC - Ethics: Euthanasia. (n.d.). BBC - Homepage. Retrieved October 18, (2010), from

As a conclusion you can see there are plenty of irrefutable reasons to get euthanized, and the only decision what matters is yours. I would like to have the right to choose my fate If I were dying with a terminal illness. It would be wrong for some people due to the moral aspect, but at the end it would be my life. We deserve to die when we want and the most important aspect is to pass away with dignity.
Euthanasia. (n.d.). National Right to Life. Retrieved October 18, 2010, from
BBC - Ethics: Euthanasia. (n.d.). BBC - Homepage. Retrieved October 18, 2010, from

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010


Have you ever imagined in a terrible healthy illness state? If you have not thought about this yet why do not you start? People who are in a hard situation of life or those who are suffering atrocious illnesses that cannot be cured want to make the decision of getting an assisted suicide. However, a lot of people argue that this is not the right way to die, and they provide plenty of excuses without basis to not perform this action. Unfortunately for those who are against euthanasia I have strong arguments to defend the practice of euthanasia.
In some patients the pain gets to the point to be unbearable. If you are dealing with an illness which is too painful, and even with medication you feel that awful pain, you deserve not to perceive that. How would you feel with something that is killing you from inside of your body all the time? People with chronical illnesses feel this pain every day, the only moment when they are not suffering is when they are sleep, because even when they are sedated, they perceive pain. ." we must be wary of those who are too willing to end the lives of the elderly and the ill. If we ever decide that a poor quality of life justifies ending that life, we have taken a step down a slippery slope that places all of us in danger. There is a difference between allowing nature to take its course and actively assisting death. The call for euthanasia surfaces in our society periodically, as it is doing now under the guise of "death with dignity" or assisted suicide. " I believe 'euthanasia' lies outside the commonly held life-centered values of the West and cannot be allowed without incurring great social and personal tragedy. This is not merely an intellectual conundrum. This issue involves actual human beings at risk..."  C. Everett Koop, M.D. *taken from the book KOOP, The Memoirs of America's Family Doctor by C. Everett Koop, M.D., Random House, (1991). Euthanasia. (n.d.). National Right to Life. Retrieved October 18, 2010, from

People should not be forced to stay alive. At the moment of getting the age of majority, you take control over actions, and decisions. You are not a minor anymore, you are an adult. When you have decided to make the decision of being euthanized, your decision is what it worth, not others' opinions or decisions, you are the only one who is going through that situation. In other words, you are free to do with your body whatever you want; besides they cannot even imagine how you feel.
Opponents of this idea claim that euthanasia perverts the medical ethics since Hippocrates has focused on eliminating pain, not the patient. However, the era of Hippocrates was more than 2000 years ago; it was not even in our ages, but before Christ. Nowadays medicine is different from the one which was long time ago, changes of medicine have happened, the mentality of the human kind is different and what really matters if you are a physician is the wellness of your patient, but not yours. “Euthanasia is not the same thing as refusing burdensome medical treatment.
Refusing such treatment can be seen as allowing the dying to die in an appropriate way, which is not the same thing as causing the death of the living.
But what is burdensome medical treatment? There is no standard answer; each case should be looked at separately, balancing the amount of pain and suffering involved against the amount of good to be done. The issue is not the value of the life of the person concerned, but the value of the treatment to that person” BBC - Ethics: Euthanasia. (n.d.). BBC - Homepage. Retrieved October 18, (2010), from

As a conclusion you can see there are plenty of irrefutable reasons to get euthanized, and the only decision what matters is yours. I would like to have the right to choose my fate If I were dying with a terminal illness. It would be wrong for some people due to the moral aspect, but at the end it would be my life. We deserve to die when we want and the most important aspect is to pass away with dignity.

Euthanasia. (n.d.). National Right to Life. Retrieved October 18, 2010, from
BBC - Ethics: Euthanasia. (n.d.). BBC - Homepage. Retrieved October 18, 2010, from